Saturday, January 7, 2017

Heroes of America: A Tribute Series Honoring U.S. Veterans

Sifu Andre Butler: United States Marine and Martial Arts Icon

By Gary 'The G-Man' Toms

In the early to mid-80s, Andre Butler was a member of both the New York City Chapter of the Guardian Angels and the United States Marine Corp. While his stint with the Guardian Angels helped him develop his sense of community service, the Marine Corp offered him the opportunity to travel and develop a clear vision of the future. Over the next seven years, as a Marine, Butler served with a couple of units and details.

In addition to his assignment with the Marine Expeditionary Unit Special Operations Capable (MEUSCO), he spent five years as a special hand-to-hand combat instructor. Many years of martial arts training as a youth, in Hung Gar (the five animal systems), Wing Chun, and Monkey Kung Fu afforded him this opportunity.

"I have been to many countries and places, such as Arizona, Nevada, California, Washington, Virginia, Florida, Hawaii, Japan, Korea, Thailand, the Philippines and Hong Kong," said Butler. "I spent time training units to go over to the Persian Gulf for "Desert Shield", where I spent a five month tour of duty. After the war, we came home, and I was temporarily assigned to teach on an ROTC Anti-Armor committee."

Sifu Butler describes the early 90's as his most productive years. In 1991, he became the proud father of a baby girl, Alexis, and moved to Florida so she could be close to her grandmother.

"I started teaching a private kung fu class to make ends meet. I also formed the 'Thunder Mountain Family Kung Fu Association." To date, the organization has membership in Colorado, Florida, Maryland, California, Arizona, Texas, New York and Puerto Rico," said the instructor.

Butler noted that he took on extra work as a nightclub bouncer and security specialist in a number of venues. In 1994, he took a position with the Broward County Sheriff's Office, but left after only three years of service.

"I got burnt out from the job and the politics of the job. So, I went back to working as a bouncer. There were no politics there, and it was a lot more fun," he mused.

In 2000, Butler was nominated to the Eastern USA International Martial Arts Association Hall of Fame, but declined the nomination.

"I cannot deny the fact that I was nominated because it was a truly an honor. I didn't accept the nomination for personal reasons, but I am very appreciative of the fact that I was chosen."

Sifu Butler's accomplishments include the following: 

Three-time United Florida Sport Karate Association (UFSKA) State Champion - Black belt (weapons category- soft style)

Two-time UFSKA State Champion - Black belt forms (soft style)

He has trained five Florida state champions: Edgar Johnson, Jeanette Dice, Echo Uzzi, Nicki Santisteban, and Arturo Williams.

He has trained a student who was a first place candidate for the Colorado Karate Association State Championship title in 2002.


Butler currently works as a law enforcement representative in the state of Colorado.  

From The G-Man proudly salutes Andre Butler as .... a hero of America. 

Note: If you're a veteran, "From The G-Man" would like to honor you in this special feature. Just email and briefly share details about your record of service. Be sure to include your military photo as well. 

Thank you.

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