Wednesday, November 23, 2016

NYC Mayor Can’t Say Exactly How He’ll Resist Trump—Or Make Up Lost Federal Dollars


A day after Mayor Bill de Blasio promised legal action to block President-elect Donald Trump‘s proposed Muslim registry plan if implemented, he refused to give specifics on what that action would look like—or how the city would handle a retaliatory cut to federal funding to the New York City Housing Authority, the public hospital system or the NYPD.

At his anti-hate address at Cooper Union yesterday morning, de Blasio vowed that if Trump were to move forward with a proposal to require Muslims to file their personal information with the federal government, he would fight it in court, echoing an assertion he made to the incoming commander-in-chief during a private meeting last week. He also said the city would provided undocumented New Yorkers with lawyers to protect them and their families if the government tries to deport them, and said New Yorkers should keep applying for the municipal identification program because the city won’t turn over their records to Washington. 

Click here for the full article.

Source: Observer (via The Empire Report) 

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