Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Black Cosby Accuser Questions Defense Claim of Racial Bias

One of Bill Cosby's accusers has a question about a controversial part of his defense strategy — his claim that he's a victim of racial bias.

"What about us black women whom he sexually violated?" artist Lili Bernard asked in an interview with NBC News at her home in Beverly Hills.

"We're talking about a man who serially raped at least 60 women and that's where the focus must be," said Bernard, who was born in Cuba and identifies as black. "Race has nothing to do with it."

After several courtroom defeats, Cosby is trying to make race an issue in his criminal sexual abuse case. In a series of court filings that will be the subject of pretrial hearings that open this week, the comedian's lawyers say he is a victim of prejudice. 

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