Thursday, September 1, 2016

EPA’s Enck: NY State Didn’t Sound PFOA Alarm


The area’s top official at the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday said New York state officials failed to inform residents of Hoosick Falls of the dangerous levels of PFOA in their municipal drinking water.

“EPA was saying don’t drink the water,” Region II administration Judith Enck said in an interview on WCNY’s The Capitol Pressroom. “The Health Department was putting out fact sheets saying something different. The Health Department should have publicly shared the information about the PFOA in the drinking water.”

The comments made Wednesday by Enck is the latest in a protracted back and forth between federal environmental officials and Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration over the Hoosick Falls water contamination.

The governor’s office, and his top cabinet officials at the Environmental Conservation and Health departments, have repeatedly insisted the EPA failed in properly outlining the appropriate safety levels for the chemical PFOA in drinking water. 

Click here for the full article. 

Source: Time Warner Cable News (State of Politics) 

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