Friday, February 5, 2016

Scientists Confront Pharmaceutical Puzzle in the Hunt for a Zika Vaccine

On Monday, and for the first time since the recent Ebola crisis, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a global health emergency in response to the epidemic of the Zika virus.

This time, the WHO reacted more promptly to mobilise its resources due to the rapid spread of Zika, which is now in 26 countries in Latin America.

A worrying number of babies have been born with microcephaly, which is thought to be linked to Zika infection.

There were more than 4,000 cases in Brazil by January 30, up from 3,718 the week before.

A suspected case of sexually-transmitted Zika in Texas in the US has reinforced the need for a public alert.

Condoms, mosquito spray and the draining of stagnant water are the only protection measures currently available.

But this does not kill the larvae that become mosquitoes after only a few days. 

Click here for the full article.

Source: Euronews

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