mythic flag-waving Reagan. A mediocre actor but a powerful propaganda tool for
the corporate establishment, Reagan’s regime demarcates the liberaloid past
from the new age of ever more blatant plutocratic-imperialist control. The
Reagan regime proved that no democracy can co-exist, let alone flourish, in the
midst of unchecked business encroachment.
have been writing about what I call the “Rightward Imperative” of the
Republican Party for quite some time,
going back to the 1990s. As I said in 2010, Ronald Reagan initiated the
historical stream of GOP-led right-wing reaction which we now see in front of
us, every day. They do have real policies which have underlain the
Party’s programs since that time. As is well-known, the GOP represents major
sectors of the US economy: the extractive/fossil-fuel industries, the military
industrial complex, the prison-industrial complex, corporate agriculture,
the “health” insurance and pharmaceutical industries, and of course corporate
and “investment” finance.
they could, and hardly can, run on a platform of “let the oil and coal
companies do whatever they want to,” “we want the rich to get richer,
donchaknow,” “we want to export as much American capital overseas where it can
make larger profits than it can here, so we really want to de-industrialize our
country,” “we don’t care about the health of the American people but we do care
about the profits of the health care industry,” “we would like to have
permanent war if we can get it,” “we want to convert the US economy from
industrial capitalism to finance capitalism,” and so on and so forth. As
is well-known their real policies have included: further tax cuts for the rich;
creating ever-widening income and wealth gaps; reducing environmental,
transportation, workplace, finance, and etc. regulation to the greatest degree
possible; further facilitating the export of capital; promoting the Permanent
Preparation for Permanent War economy; the abolition of Social Security and the
tattered remains of the “welfare” system, etc.
so for years, to bring voters to their side, they have cloaked their real
policy positions under the camouflage of: the standard, generally meaningless
“lower taxes, smaller government” mantra, and the promotion of prejudice:
racism, homophobia, religious bigotry, creationism, sexual repression,
etc. But done in a supposedly veiled way, by using the so-called “dog
whistles.” They allow the GOP for the most part not to talk too much about what
they are really about. And when they do, with the abundance of dog whistles
about, their noise means that GOP voters hardly notice what their policies
really mean. But, at the same time, for individual candidates to attract
attention, they have to whistle up the dogs ever-more sharply, moving
ever-further to the Right. Which leads to what I call “the Rightward
Imperative.” In 1996, Bob Dole made sure that no one could get to his
Right. Now he wouldn’t even be in the conversation.
something interesting has happened in 2016. In their urgency to get
ever-rightward, certain Republicans have broken the rules. No longer
whistling, they are now speaking (actually, in the case of Donald Trump,
yelling) the real stuff. Trump of course is the prime example. Not that
the immigration policy that the far-right “Republican base” has not been the
same for years –The Wall (to replace the walls already in place, I guess), no
“amnesty,” the end of “anchor babyism” (with no shame about using such a putrid
phrase) and for some sort of mass deportation. (Actually, the Repubs.’ biggest
“immigration problem” is that someday it might be solved, depriving them of a
sure-fire issue for appealing to that base.) The only difference is that Trump,
following the Rightward Imperative, is now saying these things right out loud,
and the “base” has been flocking to him. (That is until the Dominionist,
racist-in-dark-skin, possibly least-informed Presidential candidate ever, right
down to the base’s level of knowledge, Carson — apparently a great
micro-carpenter who apparently doesn’t know much about medicine, e.g., on
vaccination, on supplements, and on how pregnancies really happen — came along.
But that’s another story.)
his “birtherism” dog whistle of a couple of years ago, Trump showed that he was a racist,
but back then it was still a dog whistle. And now, more and more, as the other
candidates pursue the nomination, they have to follow the Rightward Imperative
to get further to the Right than the next guy or gal. Except that this time
around, they have to be increasingly open about it. So where does that get you?
Well it gets Rubio to not having much of a real chance, not because of his
Senate absenteeism or his messy personal finances, but because he moved away
from a somewhat sensible position on the immigration question to some
semblance of the Hard Right one that most of the other candidates have adopted.
Fiorina has already had her little flare in the polls, but that resulted from
open lie-telling: Planned Parenthood dissected live fetuses. Cruz has become
very open about his Obama-centric racism. (By the way, if Cruz or some
reasonable facsimile of him doesn’t win the Presidency this time around, just
wait for 2020. The 2016 version will have sounded like a “moderate.”) The
dog-whistles are being put away, because in following the Rightward Imperative,
they think that they don’t need them anymore.
and it’s a big BUT, they are running into some trouble on this. Cue up the CNBC
Republican debate. CNBC ain’t liberal. (I do watch it on a regular basis when I
am getting-up/working-out in the morning.) But yes, the hosts did ask some
tough questions. But NOT as the resultant GOP whining would make you believe,
on anything that the candidates in question had not themselves said, stood for,
or associated themselves with.
so when they got caught up on one or more of their positions that they would
really not like have to answer questions on before a national audience,
they do what Repubs. have always done: duck the questions and complain of
media-bias. What they want to do, and are so often successful in doing, is get
the discussion off the subject of what their policies really are and onto the
“yes, it is/no it isn’t” one of so-called “media bias.” That goes from the
farthest right of the current crop to the supposed calm, “reasonable,” Mr.
Public (“I’m simply for lower taxes and smaller government”) Republican,
Morning Joe Scarborough, who has really gotten heavy into moaning about the
course. Why should a potential President have to answer any questions that
might come from non-same-party opponents, either of him/herself or his/her
party, which might possibly be in the national interest? So then comes the
proposal, from several GOP quarters, that future Repub., debate moderators
should be Republicans. One moderator trio that has been mentioned is Limbaugh,
Hannity, and Levin. And in all of this is of course the total denial that the
GOP has its own 24/7 Propaganda/Echo Chamber Channel. (Yes, it is that even
though Megyn Kelly of Fox “News” went after Trump that first time. But that was
because way back then Roger Ailes thought that it would be a good idea to get
rid of Trump early. He was breaking too many dog-whistles).
so, the Rightward Imperative has worked well for the Republican Party, up to
now. It happens that some smart heads inside their leadership and donor class
have realized that perhaps it’s starting to not work so well, when some really
tough questions are asked in this endless series of “debates.” Why? Because
when they follow the Rightward Imperative, openly, they distance themselves
further and further away for the general electorate. And now all the whistling
in the world won’t bring all those horses back to the barn.
what can bring this up short and what can be used to reveal to that general
electorate what the Republican Party is really about if they remove
themselves from whatever (not-so-strong) glare certain members of the media are
casting on them? Why the other half of the Duopoly of course. In the course of
their debates, certain GOP candidates, especially Fiorina (who is really
running for the Vice-Presidential nomination) try to burnish their Presidential
credentials by showing “how hard they can go after Hillary.” After all, it’s a
good way to avoid answering embarrassing questions. How about Bernie and
Hillary going after the Repubs. to reveal what they truly are: in their real
policies, in the Rightward Imperative, and in the dog-whistle/cover stuff? Now
that would make for a real change in U.S. politics. Why Bernie might even stop
calling the Republican Senators his “colleagues.” But, don’t hold your
Senior Editor, Politics, Steven Jonas, MD,
MPH is a Professor Emeritus of Preventive Medicine at Stony Brook University
(NY) and author/co-author/editor/co-editor of over 30 books. In addition to
being Senior Editor, Politics, for The Greanville Post, he is: a Contributor for
American Politics to The
Planetary Movement;
a “Trusted Author” for Op-Ed; a contributor to the “Writing for Godot” section of Reader Supported News;
and a contributor to From The
G-Man. He is
the Editorial Director and a Contributing Author for Further, he is an occasional Contributor to TheHarderStuff newsletter, BuzzFlash Commentary, and Dandelion Salad. Dr. Jonas’ latest book is The
15% Solution: How the Republican Religious Right Took Control of the U.S.,
1981-2022: A Futuristic Novel, Brewster, NY, Trepper & Katz Impact
Books, Punto
Press Publishing,
2013, and available
on Amazon.
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