Monday, November 9, 2015

Racism in Law Enforcement: A Former U.S. Marshal Speaks Out



Highly Decorated Officer Discusses His Landmark Case Against
the DOJ, the NYPD’s ‘Vigilante’ Attitude and the Future of Policing


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Matthew Fogg is a retired Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal with 32 years of public service and a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice. He’s also known as the federal agent who challenged the blue wall of silence inside the U.S. Department of Justice (US-DOJ) and won. His District of Columbia federal court victory in 1998, which resulted in a jury award of $4 million for exposing race discrimination and retaliatory tactics by the DOJ, was a landmark civil rights judgement against the agency.

Marshal Fogg has received major awards from the director of the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), the District of Columbia U.S. Attorney and the Federal Bar Association for outstanding service above and beyond the call of duty”: directing the arrest of over 300 of America’s most wanted fugitives charged with murder, rape, child molestation, hate crimes, prison escape, terrorism, illegal drugs and more in the U.S. and overseas.

He supervised federal, state and municipal police dragnets in major cities across America, clearing thousands of warrants and confiscating millions of dollars in proceeds from crimes. He was a team leader in the U.S. Marshals Service Special Operations Group (SOG) – an elite S.W.A.T team that assisted the Los Angeles police department in quelling riots in the wake of the Rodney King police beating. Marshal Fogg played a pivotal role in the extradition of Manuel Noriega from Panama to Miami, FL. on federal drug charges, ending the Atlanta Penitentiary hostage takeover and participating as a first responder at the FBI Command Center in Washington D.C. following the death of his Special Operations Group commander on Ruby Ridge in Idaho.

He was honored by NASA as a “First Responder” for rescue and recovery operations after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001. He is a formerly trained U.S. Marshal Service Equal Employment Opportunity collateral duty official who successfully represented many government employees in the administrative EEO complaint adjudication process. He co-chaired the NOFEAR Coalition, which was responsible for presenting the federal law known as the Notification and Federal Employees Anti-discrimination & Retaliation Act. The law was signed by President George W. Bush in 2002.

He is Class Agent in {Fogg. et. al vs Eric Holder / U.S. DOJ}, pending before the U.S. EEO Commission, representing hundreds of Black U.S. Marshals nationwide. He is campaigning for public office in the state of Maryland and writing a book, “Bigots with Badges”, which will provide an in-depth look at racism in law enforcement and his battle with the DOJ. He often appears on CNN, NBC, CBS, FOX5, C-Span, syndicated radio as a special commentator and has been showcased in print news publications across the country.

The interview was conducted November 2, 2015.

Information pertaining to this episode is available on YouTube and through the following links:

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