Monday, November 30, 2015

First Read: Two Months to Go Until the Iowa Caucuses

First Read is a morning briefing from Meet the Press and the NBC Political Unit on the day's most important political stories and why they matter.
Two months out until Iowa

After the Thanksgiving holiday and a relatively quiet week last week on the campaign trail, here is the reality -- we are now just over 60 days until the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses. Here's where your GOP race stands with two months to go: Trump (after the Paris terrorist attacks) is leading in almost every poll; Ted Cruz is rising; Ben Carson is dropping; Marco Rubio remains in double digits; and Jeb Bush is stuck in the single digits. How strong is Trump? That could very well be the most important question over the next two months. And here's where your Democratic race stands: Hillary Clinton is comfortably ahead of Bernie Sanders in the national polls, but the contests in Iowa and New Hampshire (in particular) are much closer given their white electorates and the fact that Sanders hails from the state right next door to New Hampshire. Oh, and a reminder: While we're 63 days away until the Iowa caucuses, it's really more like 45 days -- due to Christmas and New Year's. After the last two presidential cycles starting Iowa right after New Year's, you can bet on the political world taking those holidays off.  

Click here for the full article and video.

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