Monday, October 12, 2015

Trailblazers in Black History: Minnie Joycelyn Elders

In 1993, President Bill Clinton nominated Elders to the highest medical office in the land, U.S. Surgeon General. She withstood difficult Senate confirmation hearings and became the first woman and first black U.S. Surgeon General on September 8, 1993. Although personally against abortion, she publicly advocated pro-choice policies. She also fought many conservatives in Congress and religious groups to expand sex education. Elders also supported physicians who prescribed marijuana to patients. This stance, coupled with a 1994 comment supporting masturbation, prompted President Clinton to demand her resignation. - See more at:
Uploaded to YouTube on March 17, 2010

Joycelyn Elders is a physician who briefly served as the first African-American U.S. Surgeon General under President Clinton.

Other parts of this interview are available on YouTube.
In 1993, President Bill Clinton nominated Elders to the highest medical office in the land, U.S. Surgeon General. She withstood difficult Senate confirmation hearings and became the first woman and first black U.S. Surgeon General on September 8, 1993. Although personally against abortion, she publicly advocated pro-choice policies. She also fought many conservatives in Congress and religious groups to expand sex education. Elders also supported physicians who prescribed marijuana to patients. This stance, coupled with a 1994 comment supporting masturbation, prompted President Clinton to demand her resignation. - See more at:
In 1993, President Bill Clinton nominated Elders to the highest medical office in the land, U.S. Surgeon General. She withstood difficult Senate confirmation hearings and became the first woman and first black U.S. Surgeon General on September 8, 1993. Although personally against abortion, she publicly advocated pro-choice policies. She also fought many conservatives in Congress and religious groups to expand sex education. Elders also supported physicians who prescribed marijuana to patients. This stance, coupled with a 1994 comment supporting masturbation, prompted President Clinton to demand her resignation. - See more at:
In 1993, President Bill Clinton nominated Elders to the highest medical office in the land, U.S. Surgeon General. She withstood difficult Senate confirmation hearings and became the first woman and first black U.S. Surgeon General on September 8, 1993. Although personally against abortion, she publicly advocated pro-choice policies. She also fought many conservatives in Congress and religious groups to expand sex education. Elders also supported physicians who prescribed marijuana to patients. This stance, coupled with a 1994 comment supporting masturbation, prompted President Clinton to demand her resignation. - See more at:

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