Monday, October 12, 2015

How Trump is Beating the Koch Brothers

By Dmitri Mehlhorn

After shunning the GOP for decades, Charles and David Koch tried to take it over. And then the Donald came to town…

The Republican Party’s ongoing civil war involves lots of fireworks and sub-plots, but the overarching fight is between two visions and three billionaires. 

Charles and David Koch are investing hundreds of millions of dollars to take over the GOP and push America towards libertarianism. Donald Trump joined the Republican Party to run for president and push the country in the opposite direction, toward populist nationalism.

Tragically, the Koch brothers’ mistakes are steadily handing victory to the Donald.  

Many voters might be surprised to learn that the men are so different. After all, they bear some similarities. They inherited wealth, extended their dads’ businesses, and became three of the richest people in the world. They treat each other politely; David and Donald, for instance, have socialized together in Florida. And of course, all three are trying to shape the Republican Party’s future. 

Click here for the full article.

Source: The Daily Beast

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