Monday, September 24, 2012

New York State Amistad Commission to Meet

Will Discuss How to Include Slavery in America in the Curricula of State Schools

The New York Department of State will hold a public board meeting of the Amistad Commission on Wednesday September 26, 2012 at the Department of State, 123 William Street in New York City and 99 Washington Avenue in Albany.

The meeting is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., and the Commission will discuss formation of subcommittees and the appointment of each chair. 

This meeting will also be webcast live at the following link:

New York State’s Amistad Commission is charged with researching and surveying the extent to which the African slave trade and slavery in America is included in the curricula of New York state schools, and make recommendations to the Governor and Legislature regarding the implementation of education and awareness programs in New York concerned with the African slave trade, slavery in America, the vestiges of slavery in this country, and the contributions of African-Americans in building the country.

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