Tuesday, March 13, 2012

President Barack Obama and the “White Revolution”

A Leading White Supremacist Discusses the President and How the Economy and Racial Issues Have Increased Group Membership

The following is an excerpt from the National Socialist Movement's (NSM) website:

"The NSM, America's National Socialist Party, is the largest and most active National Socialist party in America.

The NSM's core beliefs include: defending the rights of white people everywhere, preservation of our European culture and heritage, strengthening family values, economic self-sufficiency, and reform of illegal immigration policies, immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern occupation and promotion of white separation. 

The National Socialist Movement was founded in 1974 and saw membership surge under the leadership of the charismatic Jeff Schoep. Schoep has worked to implement a new direction for the Party, which includes focusing on a truly American National Socialist Movement; a movement that will give Americans the choice of electing a Party to power that will take the best of both Socialism and Capitalism in order to create a system that will stop the decay while bringing innovation, prosperity and security to our American Patriots!” 

Like the interview with "The Insurgent's" Tom Metzger, From The G-Man contacted Schoep and offered him an opportunity to discuss his organization in greater detail, in addition to a host of issues that are having a significant impact on the country.

The comments and images provided by Schoep may be viewed as extremely offensive by many readers, but in negotiating the terms of this interview, the NSM leader was assured his First Amendment rights would be respected. 

The purpose of this interview is not to fan the flames of hatred, but to initiate a national dialogue on the dire economic, social and political state of the country, our elected officials, and the future of race relations.

G-Man: I’d like to begin by asking you a very direct question. What was your gut reaction when the major news networks announced that Senator Barack Obama had been elected the 44th President of the United States of America?

Schoep: This is a question I have been asked countless times by various news media since the election, and my answer usually surprises people. Many people seem to be hung up on the fact that the President is Black, or that many believe him to be Muslim, but I do not see the issue in such simple terms. For decades, we have had presidents whom we believe did not serve the American people's best interests or desires. It matters not what color his skin is. What matters is if he is another tool of the Zionists. That question has already been answered when you consider the fact that Obama has continued the George Bush war-mongering in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world.

G-Man: Was it the fact that someone with little legislative experience had been elected that upset you most?

Schoep: As I mentioned in the previous question, his race was not a major factor for me and neither was his lack of experience. My concern was, and still is, who would be pulling the puppet strings. The Zionist lobby, and its allies in the halls of government, is what concerns me more than anything. Obama is simply a tool of a much more powerful hidden hand. If the strings controlling the puppet were severed, then we could speak about Obama's skills or lack thereof.

G-Man: Many within the white nationalist movement believe that the election of President Obama has spawned a “white revolution” in America. The Huffington Post recently reported that Ku Klux Klan membership has dramatically increased in the state of Colorado and could spread to other states. As far as the NSM is concerned, could you explain the term and note why this so-called revolution should be taken seriously?

Schoep: I cannot speak about specifics regarding the Klan, or other White Nationalist groups, but in regards to the NSM, we have experienced a steady growth in the United States. The reflection of this growth is, in my opinion, not due to the election of Obama at all. Sure, maybe a small number of people joined when a Black man was elected, but that is not the key reason based on what we hear from our ranks. 

Most people that join us are doing so because of the serious problems in America, such as the sinking economy, the lack of jobs, low wages, and the illegal alien problem. If we took a poll next week asking what factor contributed to each person joining our cause, I would wager that less than five percent joined because of the President's race. Perhaps, that number might drop to as low as one percent. That is why his race is not really an issue for us. 

We have much more serious problems in this nation than President Obama's skin color. The White Revolution is coming, and its strength will increase as the racial demographics continue to change. For the first time in American history, the current generation, and those to come after, will have it worse than the one before them, and the levy is going to break at some point!  

G-Man: Unlike the New Black Panther Party, Ku Klux Klan or Skinheads, the NSM stresses that non-violence is key to accomplishing the organization’s objectives. With reports of racial attacks on the rise throughout the country, do you believe the NSM will be able to adhere to this policy in the future?
Schoep: We have stood by our non-violent policy and will continue to do so. If our people are all locked up for engaging in illegal activity, we will not be able to accomplish anything of value for our future generations. The National Socialist Movement is a legal party in the United States, and as long as we are allowed our rights as American citizens and the freedoms to pursue our goals within the law, there is no reason for us to reach outside of the law. If the system were to ban us from the political process, or deny us our rights as American citizens, then one could consider other less savory options. Until that day comes, we shall remain law-abiding.

G-Man: According to a 2003 report on the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) website, you were selected one of the "40 to Watch" in America and the NSM was cited as one of the fastest-growing neo-Nazi groups in the U.S.

On occasion, you’ve proclaimed that the NSM is gaining political power.

You’ve also made it abundantly clear that – or you could say: Blacks have contributed to the country’s downfall and that President Obama must not be re-elected.

Having said that, which GOP candidate best reflects the views of the NSM and would most likely earn the NSM’s support in the 2012 election, if they obtained the nomination?

Schoep: The SPLC is a fundraising boogeyman that is worth millions of dollars, or perhaps well beyond that. In my opinion, they offer nothing of value to anyone other than to fill their own pocketbooks with funds raised from people who fear anything that does not fit within their extreme far left agenda. We are considered the largest white civil rights group in America, by both friends and foes, so I suppose that counts for something. 

Many Black people have contributed to the downfall of America, which can be proven via crime statistics, the number of Black men in prison, and by visiting any inner city in America. This is not to say all Black people are bad. I know of many that work hard and provide for their families. However, a large percentage are not doing that and their ought to be some accountability in the Black community for it. Racial separation is the best course of action. I will not endorse any of the GOP candidates publicly. They are not our concern.

G-Man: President Barack Obama played a major role in ending the reign of the most notorious terrorist in the world, Osama bin Laden. First Lady Michelle Obama has done what many consider to be exceptional work in aiding and honoring military veterans and their families. Even though they’re Black, would you and the NSM be willing to admit that the President and the First Lady deserve to be praised for these accomplishments?

Schoep: Regarding the demise of Bin Laden, this is a very complicated matter. We are not Bin Laden fans, by any means. However, his war against the U.S. was due to U.S. policy in support of occupied Palestine -- known to some as Israel. Bin Laden made a critical mistake in attacking the U.S., and the NSM does support the U.S. military and our troops, many of whom also support the NSM. That said, we do not agree with the policy of sending U.S. troops to be the world's police force like an occupational Roman Army. 

Truth be told, this question would be better suited for a debate. I am not able to discuss the issue at greater length due to my time constraints. Trust me; I would be able to write a book on this touchy subject. I am not aware of much that Mrs. Obama does, as I do not pay attention to it. Therefore, I cannot really comment on her efforts. If she is helping military veterans, then that is a good thing. Again, the Bin Laden matter is very complicated: from the intrusion into Pakistan, to the dumping of his body at sea, to the whole war with Afghanistan. There are so many complications that I would rather not elaborate at this time.

G-Man: "The Turner Diaries" , written by Andrew MacDonald, a pseudo-name used by William L. Pierce, is considered to be the Holy Grail of the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis and other militia groups. The book was published in 1978 by the National Alliance, a Nazi faction led by Pierce. Members of these groups interpret the book as a blueprint for the complete elimination of the federal government and every nigger, "wop", "gook", "Jew bastard", and “race-mixer”. It also outlines the methods of extermination, and how the members of these groups were going to infiltrate some of the highest levels of government to launch a national attack. Has Pierce’s work been misinterpreted in any way?

Schoep: Dr. Pierce has passed away. Therefore, neither you nor I would know if he had been misinterpreted. I will say that I have the book, and it is very entertaining from start to finish.

Provide a brief and uncensored assessment of the following: the Middle East, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Rachel Maddow, Jews, same-sex marriage, the current state of Black leadership in America, and interracial dating.

Schoep: The Middle East is a mess for the Zionists, being surrounded by neighbors that despise them on every side. I do believe the Jews deserve a homeland. However, occupied Palestine is not a good place for them. A wise man once stated the island of Madagascar would be better for the Jews, and I tend to agree with that.

Limbaugh? I do not listen to his Republican radio show. Many years ago, he bragged about his support of Israel, and that was enough for me. Never listened to him again. Alex Jones? I do not listen to his show, either. Rachel Maddow? Who is she?

I think I have already covered my opinion of Jews, but I would like to mention one more thing. One of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, stated in 1789, in the Pinckney  papers, and I'm paraphrasing here, "If we do not remove the Jew from America within 200 years our children will curse us." I believe he also referred to them as vampires. 

The Jews have been thrown out of nearly every nation they ever inhabited in the past, from England, to Germany, to Spain, to Ethiopia, and the list goes on. Either the Jews have done some horrible things in each and every nation to all races, or they are just eternal victims. I, for one, have a hard time swallowing the fact that everyone hates Jews just for the sake of hating Jews. They have done evil things throughout history. This is why it is critical that they have their own homeland. If they did, they couldn't persecute anyone and no one could persecute them.

Same sex-marriage is anti-life, pro-death, and is an abomination in the eyes of anyone with a moral compass. Homosexuality is a mental illness, and allowing them to marry is not something that should be tolerated in a healthy society.

As far as the current state of Black leadership in America, let me repeat what I said previously. I feel the black community should take responsibility for its youth, high crime rates, and other problems. I do believe there are some positive Black leaders that are doing their part in turning things around. Some of them urge a return to Africa, and the Black Muslims, along with Minister Louis Farrakhan, have set many Black youth on a more productive path.

Interracial dating is an abomination leading to the downfall and destruction of both cultures involved. No culture benefits from racial mixing, and most people are not accepting of this practice, despite popular media claims. It viewed as  destructive for both cultures. People are so concerned with pure-bred dogs, horses, and other animals, but some would like us to believe that it is not as important among humans. 

Just as you cannot give away a mixed breed dog, because no one wants it, you can sell a pure bred for a much greater amount. The same level of care and concern should be expressed when it comes to our own bloodlines. Everyone has the right to be proud of their bloodline and where they come from. 

If you mix the races, you create a mongrel, and that child's bloodline is destroyed to the point where and he or she cannot really identify with either race. It is a selfish and horrible thing for any parent to consider doing to a child. The call to preserve one's bloodline echoes throughout time, history, and it reinforces our cultural identity. Anyone who would seek to rob one of that destiny is a sick and selfish individual.

G-Man: What lead to the formation of the Viking Youth Corp (VYC) and what are some of its future goals?

Schoep: The VYC is a very small division of the NSM that primarily consists of teenagers of NSM members. Other youth can join it, but they can only do so with the written permission of their parents. The division is simply a starting point for young people to enter the adult division of the NSM when they are of age to do so. NSM membership is limited to those 18 and older.

A number of people I’ve spoken to, from high-ranking politicians to hard-working Americans, have stated their number one concern for President Obama is that he could suffer the same fate as brothers John and Robert F. Kennedy. Would Jeff Schoep have any remorse if an assassin’s bullet ended the life of America’s first Black president? 

Schoep: I do not wish for the death of the President, nor would I ever advocate such a thing!
To obtain more detailed information on the National Socialist Movement, click here: The National Socialist Movement

Photos courtesy of the National Socialist Movement. 

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