Saturday, October 8, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: The Liberal Tea Party?

The Occupy Wall Street movement is gaining momentum and has analysts and pundits asking: Is Occupy Wall Street the new Tea Party of the left?

By Victoria Craig
Anchor: Christina Hartman
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1 comment:

  1. Humpty Dumpty is a character from an old English nursery rhyme. Thanks to Humpty's appearance with Alice in Lewis Carroll's the Looking Glass, Humpty has attained nearly universal recognition. Not unlike Humpty, middle-class Americans' are sitting on a high wall and could be in danger, of a Great-Fall.

    I am here to celebrate the 30th day of the Occupy Wall Street protest, which is against corporate-power, and its influence over government policy, said one protester. Protesters' are irked by Wall Street bonuses, especially after Wall Street accepted a taxpayer-bailout, and the American middle-class continue to be drained dry. It is time for a fairer economic system that provides health care, education, and opportunity for all.

    Inspired by the Arab-Spring, the Occupy Wall Street protesters will employ Arab-Spring tactics, to achieve their goal and encourage the use of nonviolence, to maximize the safety of its participants. Protests were held in North and South America, Asia, Africa and Europe, with over 1500 events in 82 countries, as part of a global-day of action, on October 15th.

    Occupiers of different ages, races, walks of life, and political beliefs have joined the global-movement. The melange has grown quickly, to include students, elderly people, families with children, construction workers, and moms. For the most part, the sinking " middle-class," have finally begun to voice their outrage as to lay-offs, pension and health benefit cuts, and in certain instances, " health benefits termination."

    (Corporate greed and irresponsible government housing policies, caused the Great-American-Economic-Fall of 2008-2009, not pension and health benefits).
