Saturday, August 6, 2011

National 9/11 Memorial and Museum to Create Exhibitions in 30 NYS Locations

Exhibitions to Offer a Place to Pay Respects and Recognize the Impact 9/11 Had on All New Yorkers

Albany, N.Y. - The National September 11 Memorial & Museum today announced that it is partnering with New York State to create "New York Remembers," a series of 30 exhibitions across New York as part of a statewide recognition of the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The exhibitions are being organized by the New York State Museum to give New Yorkers a place to pay their respects and will recognize the impact September 11had on the entire state. They will feature many never-before-seen artifacts recovered from the World Trade Center that are currently part of collections maintained by the New York State Museum as well as the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

"As we approach the 10th anniversary of 9/11, people from all around the state, country, and world will reunite to remember how we were all affected by the attacks. We're grateful for the opportunity to help the State of New York tell the story of 9/11 through some of our authentic artifacts from the World Trade Center. This comprehensive statewide exhibition will give New Yorkers the chance to pay tribute to those killed on 9/11 and recognize the global outpouring of compassion we saw in the minutes, days, and weeks that followed," said Joe Daniels, President of the National September 11 Memorial and Museum.

"These exhibitions will give New Yorkers across the state a poignant and respectful place to gather, to honor the lost, and to reflect on the horrendous and life-altering terrorist attacks that occurred here ten years ago," stated Governor Andrew Cuomo.

"The attacks affected residents from almost every town, city, and village across the state, and that is why it is so important that we come together as one community to make sure we never forget what happened on that horrible day."

Dr. John B. King Jr., New York State Education Commissioner said, "With 'New York Remembers,' citizens across the state will be better able to reflect on and understand our tragic and shared history of September 11, 2001. The Regents and I believe that this is a compelling project which brings the scope and reach of the State Museum's artifacts and images to all New Yorkers."

The exhibitions will be in public areas in regions across New York. Each location will be open from the end of August to the end of September as well as on Sunday September 11. Locations will be announced shortly.

Thousands of New Yorkers from all corners of the state went to the World Trade Center site to assist in the cleanup and recovery efforts. Members of the New York National Guard, firefighters, paramedics, police, FBI agents, steelworkers, construction workers and countless men and women who offered support to the workers spent months at the site. Children in schools across the state sent heartfelt messages to the families and site workers.

With more than 2,000 artifacts, the New York State Museum is the nation's largest repository of objects recovered from the World Trade Center site after September 11, 2001. Within weeks of the attacks, State Museum staff documented the operations at the WTC site and, later, spent countless hours at the WTC Recovery Operation at Fresh Kills where all the material was inspected.

In the 10 months that followed the attacks, the FBI and NYPD recovered over 5,000 human remains and over 50,000 pieces of personal property, as well as the artifacts that are now in the State Museum collections. The museum also documented the Fresh Kills operation with hundreds of photographs, interviews, and film.

The FBI and NYPD transferred all artifacts to the museum after they were designated non-essential to the crime scene as neither criminal evidence nor personal property. Artifacts include rescue artifacts, building pieces, everyday artifacts, and other objects from the site. No object collected from Fresh Kills by the State Museum was kept if it could be identified as owned by an individual.

Vehicles like a FDNY truck were signed over to the State Museum by the FDNY via a deed of gift by the specific agency. Forty nine pieces of two of the airlines that crashed into the towers were transferred to the State Museum by the FBI. These include fuselage, interior, and engine parts.

The State Museum also has a significant collection of sympathy material from the New York City area, New York State and across the world.

"In advance of the 9/11 Memorial Museum opening in 2012, we're proud to have this opportunity to display some of our treasured artifacts across New York State. Authentic objects are crucial to understanding the story of 9/11, from the profound loss to the extraordinary heroism and depths of compassion. These exhibits will be an important learning opportunity for people of all ages, and a fitting tribute to the many who perished at the World Trade Center on that terrible morning ten years ago," noted Alice M. Greenwald, Director of the National September 11 Memorial Museum.

Paula Berry, a 9/11 Memorial Board Member and family member, said, we have an obligation to preserve and share the history of 9/1 with as many people as possible. Our hope is this exhibition will serve as a reminder of what happened that day, a representation of how we came together as a city, state and nation, and a symbol of the love we will always feel for those we lost, including David, my husband."

Lee A. Ielpi, President September 11th Families' Association and Tribute WTC Visitor Center, and father of Firefighter Jonathan Lee Ielpi said, "I've committed the past ten years to ensuring that the stories of September 11 are kept alive. I want to honor the memory of all of the victims of those terrorist attacks, including my son Jonathan, and I want people to remember the tens of thousands of people who reached out to help total strangers on the 11th and in the aftermath. I strongly believe we need to teach young people everywhere about all aspects of 9/11."

Tom Roger, father of Jean Roger, killed on September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 11 Flight Attendant, also believes the exhibitions will serve as a source of comfort for many.

"The Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 will be a very emotional time for all of us who lost loved ones on that terrible day. The 'New York Remembers' exhibitions will allow many others around the state to join with the thousands of families who were directly affected as we pause and reflect on what was lost and how our world has changed," said Roger.

"Both the educational aspects of the exhibits and the presence of important artifacts from the site will allow people to pay tribute and remember the terrible tragedy of that day in a very personal and real way. I applaud Governor Cuomo and New York State Museum for supporting this effort and hope that people will take advantage of this very special opportunity to bear witness to the events of 9/11 for the time that these exhibits are available."

Salvatore Cassano, Fire Commissioner of the City of New York stated that the exhibitions will be a great tribute to fallen New York City firefighters. "We will never forget the dedication and sacrifice of the 343 FDNY members who gave their lives on September 11, 2001. The incredible artifacts that will go on display as part of 'New York Remembers' also will ensue that the people who live in and visit New York will never forget them, or the close to 3,000 others who were killed on that tragic day. We hope this exhibit will help is all heal as we honor the 10-year-anniversary of the attacks."

The following comments were also provided regarding the 'New York Remembers' exhibits.

"New York's Finest answered the call of duty, and we will never forget the courageous officers who gave their lives on September 11. The 'New York Remembers' exhibits will help us reflect on that tragic day, remember those who gave their lives, and renew the spirit of unity that helped New York and America through that difficult time." - Patrick J. Lynch, President of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, NYPD

"The tragic loss of over 400 first responders during the 9/11 attacks was a gut-wrenching blow felt by all Americans. The FDNY lost a staggering 343 firefighters when the towers collapsed, but over 25,000 civilians were safely evacuated. No one should ever forget what those heroes gave up for our state and country. These exhibitions will honor their sacrifice and keep the memory of them burning bright." - Steve Cassidy, President of the Uniformed Firefighters Association, FDNY

"In the 10 years since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on our nation, Port Authority police officers have remained on the front lines, always dedicated, ever vigilant. These police officers are strengthened daily by the memory of the selfless sacrifice of the 37 Port Authority police officers killed in the line of duty that day at the World Trade Center so others may live. With the help of the 'New York Remembers' exhibitions, the actions of these police officers can now be embraced by all New Yorkers. May they never be forgotten." - Paul Nunziato, President of the Port Authority Police Benevolent Association

"As the anniversary of the catastrophic events of September 11 is upon us, we once again pause to remember all who were tragically taken from us that day. All of us who lived through September 11 and its aftermath will carry it with us forever. Many New York City Police Officers made the ultimate sacrifice trying to rescue their fellow New Yorkers and we cannot let their heroism fade from our memories with the passage of time. 'New York Remembers' offers a place for New Yorkers to pay their respects and will keep the extraordinary and tragic events of September 11 on the forefront of our thoughts." - Ed Mullins, President of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, NYPD

"As we approach the tenth anniversary of the attacks on America our thoughts and prayers are with the loved ones of the more than 2000 civilians that lost their lives that day by merely going to work. We also think about the 343 members of the fire department as well as those in the NYPD and PAPD who lost their lives while trying to rescue innocent civilians. The artifacts, pictures, and displays of 'New York Remembers' tell the story of that day, and how when the call came, New York's firefighters and emergency responders performed with bravery and honor, and for that we are all forever grateful." - Alexander Hagen, President of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association

"As the 10th anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center approaches, it is essential to honor and remember those lost on that horrific day.These exhibitions will make sure we always remember one of the most evil attacks ever perpetrated on our country as well as the spirit, resolve and resilience that followed." - Joseph Baccellieri, Jr., Commanding Officer/Chief of Training, New York State Court Officers Academy

"The catastrophic events of September 11 changed New York, our country, and the entire world. A decade later, we remember those we lost and honor the first responders and countless heroes who toiled in the days and weeks that followed. Displaying historic artifacts from the World Trade Center will give New Yorker's a true understanding of what occurred that day, as well as place to gather and remember both the tragic events and the sense of community that helped our state and nation through this difficult time." - Patrick Bahnken, President of the Uniformed EMT's, Paramedics and Fire Inspectors, FDNY

"These exhibitions will give New Yorkers a place to gather and remember that tragic day in September ten years ago. In the months after the attack, workers toiled to clean up the site, many working long hours and risking their own health. The artifacts in these exhibits are a testament to the hard work and dedication of those involved in the cleanup efforts, and speak to both the sadness of September 11 and the spirit of unity felt on that day." - Edward Malloy, President of the New York State Building and Construction Trade Councils

The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is the not-for-profit corporation created to oversee the design, fundraising, programming, and operations of the Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center. The Memorial and Museum will be located on eight of the 16 acres of the World Trade Center site. The memorial will be dedicated on the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and will open to the public the following day, and the museum will open in September 2012.

The memorial will remember and honor the 2,983 people who were killed in the horrific attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993. The design, created by Michael Arad and Peter Walker, consists of two reflecting pools formed in the footprints of the original Twin Towers and a plaza of trees.

The museum will display monumental artifacts linked to the events of 9/11, while presenting intimate stories of loss, compassion, reckoning, and recovery that are central to telling the story of the 2001 and 1993 attacks and the aftermath. It will communicate key messages that embrace both the specificity and the universal implications of the events of 9/11; document the impact of those events on individual lives, as well as on local, national, and international communities; and explore the continuing significance of these events for our global community.

If you would like more information or to reserve a free visitor pass to the memorial, go to

Image courtesy of
Photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Jim Watson, United States Navy
Permission: Public Domain

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