Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Terrible Power of U.S. Border Officials

Journalist Details How His Privacy and Rights Were Violated

Click here for the report. 

Source: The Intercept_

ICE Preparing to Raid 10 Major Cities

This report was published on YouTube on June 21.

Statement from Governor Andrew Cuomo 

"The Trump Administration's impending blitz of ICE raids across the country, including here in New York, is shameful and wholly unacceptable, and we will fight back at every turn to protect our immigrant families. As I've said before, if there is a move to deport immigrants then I say start with me — a son of immigrants.

"This is the latest example of the federal administration's ongoing, un-American assault on our immigrant communities, and I am directing the State Liberty Defense Program's Rapid Response team to be on high alert and immediately assist any family in need of legal services across the state this weekend. I urge anyone in need of assistance to contact the Liberty Defense Team at 1-800-566-7636 or"

"America's only threat is from within, and we will not let division and hate win. While President Trump builds walls and separates families, New York will continue to be the beacon of inclusion and diversity that the nation and the world looks to."

Bonus Report: New York Attorney General: State Will Not Cooperate with Trump-Ordered ICE Raids

Sir Elton John Addresses Crowd After Receiving France's Legion of Honor

Global News: British singer-songwriter Elton John spoke outside the Elysee Palace in France on Friday after receiving the Legion d'Honneur (Legion of Honor) from President Emmanuel Macron, where he used the occasion to praise the country's replenishment of a global fund to fight AIDS.

E. Coli in Long Beach: 30,000 Bottles of Water to Be Delivered

Statement from Governor Andrew Cuomo

"Yesterday afternoon, Nassau County officials informed the State Office of Emergency Management that E. coli was found in Long Beach's drinking water supply. I immediately directed the State Office of Emergency Management to deliver 30,000 bottles of water to residents of Long Beach, and we are prepared to send more water today and tomorrow as needed. Additionally, State Health Commissioner Zucker has been in regular contact with the Nassau County health commissioner and has offered whatever assistance is needed. Nothing is more important than the health and safety of New Yorkers and we will continue to coordinate closely with local officials and provide any resources necessary until this situation is fully resolved." 

Source: The Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo 

Students of Color are More Likely to Be Arrested in School. That May Change.

New York City’s new discipline code could have an immediate impact.

Click here for the report. 

Source: The New York Times

A Profound Democratic Shift in New York: ‘We Seized the Moment’

With Democrats in firm control in Albany, lawmakers carried out a progressive agenda that had long been thwarted.

Click here for the report.

Source: The New York Times

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Trumpite Fascism: From Jan. 21, 2021 (How the Nation Could Get There)

....And a Brief Glimpse of What Would Be Waiting for It

Adolf Hitler, head of the German Nazi party (that is the party with the mis-leading name, sort of like Trump will make America great again, when he really means "white" again), was appointed Chancellor (Prime Minister) of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg on January 30, 1933. The Nazis, although powerful, were still not the dominant political party in Germany of the time. In fact, there was no dominant political party at that time. 

In elections to the Reichstag (the German Parliament) after they became an important national party in the late 1920s, they regularly ran some somewhere between 32 and 37 percent of the vote (sound familiar?) But they were loud, and they had a large private army, the Sturmabteilung (SA), behind them. They also had significant ruling class support, from the likes of the steel baron Fritz Thyssen (who as readers of my columns know well raised money for the Nazis abroad from such folks as the US George Herbert Walker [sound familiar?]). 

Germany was in trouble, what with the Depression and the continuing reparations payments to the Western Powers which had been victorious in the First World War. It also had a powerful labor movement and two powerful left-wing poltical parties, the Communists (KPD) and the Socialists (SPD). They should have been allied against their common enemy, Hitler and the Nazis. But for historical reasons dating back to World War I they weren't. As well, the KPD was part of the Moscow-based Comintern (Communist International) whose policies were set from Moscow. Stalin described the SPD as "Social Fascists." And so, there was no alliance (which eventually proved fatal --- literally for many Communists and Socialists alike --- in the next dozen years). And so, facing increasing unrest from both the Right and the Left, Hindenburg was reluctantly prevailed upon to appoint Hitler as Chancellor. 

Two former right-wing Chancellors, Kurt von Schleicher and Franz von Papen, thought they could "keep Hitler under control," which influenced the decision of von Hindenburg ("von" indicated Prussian nobility), who was very reluctant to appoint the Austrian "Little Corporal" to the post. Once in power, Hitler started using it with a vengeance, beginning with locking up Communists on the night of his accession to the post. Neither von Schleicher nor von Papen were successful. The former actively tried to control his worst excesses, then get him deposed. He was killed on June 30, 1934, "The Night of the Long Knives." Von Papen, simply marginalized by Hitler, survived the war, but escaped any meaningful judgment/punishment after it. Which brings us to our time, and what is almost certain to happen should Trump win re-election in 2020. 

Click here for the full article. 


Climate Tipping Points and the Poor People's Campaign

By Ted Glick 

I returned home late last night from three days at a Beyond Extreme Energy leadership retreat and two days at the Poor Peoples Campaign Moral Action Congress, both held in Washington, DC. This morning my first task was to go through all the email that had piled up over that time. One of them contained an extremely sobering news story from Reuters. The headline: “Scientists amazed as Canadian permafrost thaws 70 years early.”

The story begins with this sentence: “Permafrost at outposts in the Canadian Arctic is thawing 70 years earlier than predicted, an expedition has discovered, in the latest sign that the global climate crisis is accelerating even faster than scientists had feared.” It goes on to say, “With scientists warning that sharply higher temperatures would devastate the global south and threaten the viability of industrial civilization in the northern hemisphere, campaigners said the new paper reinforced the imperative to cut emissions.

“’Thawing permafrost is one of the tipping points for climate breakdown and it’s happening before our very eyes,’ said Jennifer Morgan, Executive Director of Greenpeace International.”

Tipping points. Are there more than one that are relevant to our dire condition? I believe there are two others, technological tipping points and political tipping points.

This latest permafrost melt story is scientific evidence that, as Morgan says, we could be at the beginning of a climate tipping point right now.

Are we at a technological tipping point? I think so. Between the technological viability of wind, solar, electric vehicles and electric heat (and cooling) pumps, and the already-low prices on wind and solar and the coming-down prices for electric vehicles and heat pumps, as well as other emerging technologies, we have the tools we need right now to engage in the World War Two type of mobilization and economic transformation in a short period of time that we absolutely, critically need.

But what about a political tipping point? Could that be about to happen, too, or are we in the beginning of one already?

I believe we could well be. The Poor Peoples Campaign (PPC) event was one of the reasons I think this, others being the 2018 election results, the emergence in massive numbers of the youth-based and youth–led Sunrise Movement and international Youth Climate Strike, the explosion onto the political scene of the Green New Deal and the continually building support for it, the competition going on among the many Democratic Presidential candidates as to who has the best plan to address the climate crisis, and a decidedly more progressive orientation by most of those candidates.

Click here for the full article.


'I Don't Think 50/50 is a Quota," Says Vestager About Parity in the EU Commission

France 24 English: "We have accepted informal male quotas of 80% to 90% for centuries... I think it is about time that we get a gender balanced commission," added Margrethe Vestager, liberal candidate for European Commission president.

Lawmakers Say Effort to Legalize Marijuana in New York is Dead

Click here for the report. 

Source: The Buffalo News

Statement from Governor Andrew Cuomo

"I said from the beginning of this session that I believed marijuana legalization had the best chance of being passed in this year's budget. Today, the Senate confirmed that it does not have the votes to move forward with legalization.

"I was asked earlier this week on a radio show if I would settle for decriminalization as a backup, and I said I keep fighting and only "tend to give up on hour twenty when there's four hours left in the session".

"We have now reached "hour twenty".

"Communities of color have been disproportionately impacted by laws governing marijuana for far too long and it has to end.

"I understand the desire to end session today as planned, and will give the legislature a message of necessity to expedite passage if required. This legislative proposal is not new. I first proposed this decriminalization measure in 2013, and again in this year's budget. The time to act is now."

Source: The Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo 

NYPD, Under Pressure After Delay, Posts Cop Misconduct Data Online

The ordinance requires the NYPD to report annually the number and percentage of cops in each police command with misconduct markers on their records. Officers are marked this if they have two or more substantiated civilian complaints, have used excessive force in the prior three years, been suspended in the last five years or have an unsealed arrest within the last decade.

Click here for the report. 

Source: The New York Daily News 

The GGE Update: NYC Schools Will Have More Title IX Coordinators

 Click on the photo to increase its size.
By Brittany Brathwaite 

Since the October 2018 launch of the School Girls Deserve campaign, we have been fighting tirelessly for the safety of Black and Brown cis and trans girls and gender nonconforming youth of color in NYC schools.

We organized, we testified, we rallied and we spoke truth to power.

Well, guess what? We won!

The Mayor and New York City Council have indicated that there would be funding totaling $857,000 for the hiring of 7 Title IX coordinators—our exact ask. We. Won.

In an article for Politico, Madina Touré wrote,“The development marks a victory for girl's and women's rights advocates — particularly Girls for Gender Equity, the main group leading the push — who have long requested the additional coordinators.”

Thank you for all the support you have shown throughout this campaign. Together we won for the students in NYC public schools, who will benefit from this important step towards supportive and affirming school climates where students can learn, dream and grow.

Title IX Coordinators will be responsible for doing the following (and more):

Responding to and working to prevent mistreatment and discrimination on the basis of gender identity and/or sexual orientation, ensure gender equity in sports programs and protections for pregnant and parenting students.

Dedicating time and resources to prevent sexual violence in schools by developing lesson plans, workshops, literature, etc. to help students understand consent.

Training teachers and other school staff on how to protect students from gender discrimination and not cause additional harm.

Being objective: by being removed from day-to-day school life they are inherently safer to turn to for support.

Serving as advocates for students in the communities surrounding schools.

Thank you, again, for the myriad ways you have stood beside us and to the young people who have committed to driving this campaign. Stay tuned for details on how we will celebrate!
With gratitude and, as always, in fierce community,

P.S. Writer and culture critic Jamilah Lemieux worked with two GGE youth organizers to create this article in Essence about how school dress codes punish Black, Brown, LGBTQ and other marginalized bodies. Please share widely!
Brittany Brathwaite serves as Manager of Organizing and Innovation at Girls for Gender Equity. 

Cuomo Denounces Trump Administration's Effort to Replace the Clean Power Plan

New York State Capitol Building

Statement from Governor Andrew Cuomo

"The Federal Government's toothless replacement of the Clean Power Plan will increase emissions, air pollution, and extreme weather, and further jeopardize the nation's promising clean energy economy to the detriment of the American people.   

"While the Trump administration's EPA continues to put our economy, children and planet at risk, New York is leading the nation and accomplishing real results with the New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act that establishes the most aggressive greenhouse gas emissions targets in the United States.

"But we cannot do it alone, and if Washington and the rest of the nation need a model they should look to New York as we lead the transition to a clean energy economy, protect the health and well-being of our residents and attract clean energy jobs of tomorrow."

Source: The Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

Why We Must Renew Our Commitment to the Civil Rights Movement

 Click on the photo to increase its size.

By Melanie Roth Gorelick

I am proud of the Jewish community’s record of fighting hate and standing for justice during the civil rights period. In the 1960s we had great leaders like Rabbis Joachim Prinz and Abraham Joshua Heschel who stood with Dr. Martin Luther King. There were the Freedom Riders who risked their lives going south to participate in rallies and actions to end segregation. And organizations like the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA) and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, among others, played a key role in advancing the historic Civil Rights of 1964.

Our Jewish lens led us to engage in efforts to create a country based on our core values of equality, justice and diversity.

Just as in the past, there is an important role for the Jewish community in today’s civil rights issues. We must play a significant role in this country’s movement to end mass incarceration, and do our best to help make a difference. Our history will not allow us to stand on the sidelines.

Click here for the full article.

Melanie Roth Gorelick is the Senior Vice President for the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA)
Sources: The New York Jewish Week and JCPA

Senator Schumer on U.S. Election Security

Following their weekly caucus luncheon, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and party colleagues brief reporters on plans to push for votes on several election security bills on the Senate floor.

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Source: C-SPAN

Marijuana Legalization Isn’t Dead Yet in New York

After weekend-long negotiations, lawmakers are cautiously optimistic they may reach a deal before the legislative session ends Wednesday.

Click here for the report.

Source: The New York Times

Monday, June 17, 2019

New Documentary Reveals Racist Narrative That Fueled Response to Laquan McDonald

Democracy Now!: "In spite of all of the facts we have about this case, in spite of the video, in spite of all of the evidence that has come forward, those facts are not enough to secure the narrative," says Rick Rowley, director of the new Showtime documentary "16 shots" about Laquan McDonald's murder at the hands of a police officer in Chicago. "There is another story, a competing story, that is very powerful in this country and it is built on racial fear."

500 Uniformed Officers Added to New York City Subway and Bus System

Earlier today, Governor Andrew Cuomo and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority announced an agreement to add 500 additional uniformed officers to the New York City Transit system. The agreement was reached with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance, NYPD Police Commissioner James P. O'Neill, and MTA Chairman Pat Foye as part of a comprehensive action plan to improve safety across New York City's mass transit system, address the rising number of assaults on transit workers and combat the growing problem of fare evasion. 

From 2013 and 2017, assaults reported by New York City Transit workers have increased by 15.2 percent, and lost revenue from fare evasion increased from $105 million in 2015 to $225 million in 2018. New data released today shows the upward trend is continuing with year to date totals reaching $243 million in the 12-month period ending in March 2019. 

The new program also includes additional measures to deter fare evasion with enhanced exit gates and additional monitors and cameras throughout the system. As part of this plan, the New York County District Attorney will provide $40 million over four years to fund associated costs of the personnel and provide construction modifications and new video technology to target station locations.

Source: The Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo 

The Nonwhite Working Class

Talking to the people in Youngstown, Ohio, that the national media usually ignores.

Click here for the report. 

Source: Slate 

The Week Ahead in Washington

Washington Examiner White House reporter Steven Nelson and National Journal Senate reporter Zach Cohen discuss the week ahead on Capitol Hill and at the White House. 

This video may not play on certain browsers. Click here if you experience problems.

JLUSA: Closer Than Ever to Closing Rikers

Click on the photo to increase its size. 

By DeAnna Hoskins, President/CEO of JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA)

Last month New York City committed to further reducing the number of people that could be incarcerated in the proposed borough-based facilities to 4,000, a greater reduction than their initial estimate which was set at 5,750.

While we are still far from closing Rikers,  we continue to make significant progress because of  the tireless work of directly impacted #CLOSErikers campaign leaders and members.  Campaign leaders have been calling on the City to meet their demands for a reduced capacity of 3,000 people or less and this news is another positive step towards our goal!

Through the work of JustLeadershipUSA, our #CLOSErikers partners, and people harmed by Rikers -- we’ve been able to push the Mayor and the City to do more, and we will continue to do so. The pretrial reforms passed due to our efforts statewide with the #FREEnewyork coalition and the parole reform #LessIsMoreNY legislation led by the Katal Center for Health, Equity and Justice are major tools for decarceration - but New York City must do all it can to prevent incarceration and divert as many people as possible away from the system to begin with.

JustLeadershipUSA is committed to centering the voices of directly impacted New Yorkers in all of our justice campaigns. Last week the #CLOSErikers campaign held a day of action with partners highlighting the experiences of local formerly incarcerated leaders and discussing next steps toward closure with Borough Presidents’ offices. To culminate the Day of Action, leaders held a vigil and speakout to commemorate the people who have died on Rikers at the foot of the bridge leading to torture island. We’ll continue to come together over the spring and summer for member meetings and community forums.

New facilities will address the human rights crisis, but the decarceration trend could be accelerated by the kinds of investments we’re calling for in our #buildCOMMUNITIES platform for justice reinvestment. #buildCOMMUNTIES has always had a vision of divesting funds from Rikers into directly impacted communities. The #buildCOMMUNITIES platform is a roadmap for New York City to make a bold shift from decades long of racial injustice and mass incarceration that’s directly impacted Black and Brown communities. Together, we are one step closer to closing Rikers Island and reaching true equity in New York City.


Memories of That Night at the Stonewall Inn, From Those Who Were There

On June 28, 1969, a gay bar in Greenwich Village helped change the course of L.G.B.T.Q. history. 

Click here for the report.

Source: The New York Times

Rent Laws’ Impact: Tenant Paradise or Return of the ‘Bronx Is Burning’?

The Bronx could be the epicenter for the rent regulation overhaul, and there are two starkly different visions of how it will play out.

Click here for the report.

Source: The New York Times

In Memoriam: Gloria Vanderbilt

Fashion Legend Dies at 95

Click here for the report. 

Source: The New York Daily News