Thursday, January 12, 2017

Amid Hacking Blowback and ‘Golden Showers,’ Moscow Fears Losing Trump

Photo illustration by the Daily Beast 

When Trump was elected, Russians popped Champagne corks. Now, they’re not feeling so festive.

By Anna Nemtsova

MOSCOW—The eruption of the latest scandals around U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is making many in Moscow nervous about the long-term consequences for Russia’s future.

It was not news that Trump had friends among Russian pop stars, oligarchs, and casino owners. It wouldn’t surprise anyone if he consorted with prostitutes, however eccentric his sexual tastes. But the notion that Trump might have worked as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recruited agent passing on intelligence about Russians in New York? That’s something different. And as Trump backs away from the allegations, will he back away from Russia, too? That certainly was the impression over the last day or so.

And just recently it all looked so good.

Remember all those times Trump hinted that the United States under his administration would recognize Crimea as Russian? It seemed sanctions might be lifted, and Putin’s notion of the Russian sphere of influence recognized and accepted. Remember when Trump even called for Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s missing emails? All things seemed possible!

But the mysterious dossier leaked on Tuesday about Trump and members of his team cooperating with Russian officials for at least five years—that sounded like a very destructive bit of information, or disinformation, indeed. 

Click here for the full article. 

Source: The Daily Beast

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