Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Politics in Action: H.R. 3716

H.R. 3716 – Ensuring Removal of Terminated Providers from Medicaid and CHIP Act
(Rep. Bucshon, R-IN, and 2 cosponsors)

The Administration supports House passage of H.R. 3716 because it improves program integrity for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

H.R. 3716 would improve the ability of States to identify health care providers who have been terminated from participating in Medicare or in another State's Medicaid or CHIP program.  The Affordable Care Act requires that State Medicaid programs terminate participation of health care providers that have been terminated by Medicare or another State Medicaid program.  This legislation would improve States' ability to fulfill this requirement by codifying this requirement in CHIP, requiring providers participating in Medicaid and CHIP managed care to enroll with the State, and increasing required reporting, sharing of information, and standardization of documentation of reasons for termination.  Because the bill would reduce the likelihood that terminated providers could continue to participate in these programs, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that H.R. 3716 would reduce Federal spending by $28 million over 10 years. 

Source: The Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget

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