Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Read: A Viewer's Guide for Tonight's GOP Debate

Given just how much has changed in the GOP race after the first debate and given the upcoming end to the fundraising quarter (Sept. 30!), the pressure is on for the 11 Republican candidates to perform at tonight's second debate in California at 8:00 pm ET. We'll find out which of the second-tier candidates (who all thought they'd be first tier by now) moves up or falls back. Think Walker, Paul, Rubio, Christie, Huckabee, and Kasich. Here's what each candidate needs to do: 

  • Donald Trump: He needs to keep defying political gravity. Once again, he's probably going to feel like Bruce Lee in a Kung Fu movie -- with everyone (opponents, moderators) coming after him. Can he fend them off once again? He's also a candidate in need of a second act (we think). Can he put some policy meat on the bones?
  • Ben Carson: Can the mild-mannered Carson keep the momentum he has in the polls? Once you lose it, you often don't get it back. And this is his first time FRONT and CENTER. So he can't just disappear for periods of a time, even if he wants to.
 Click here for the full article and related video. 

Source: NBC News

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